
Regional Transportation Plan Update

Alpine County

Green DOT Transportation Solutions prepared the 2015 Alpine County Regional Transportation Plan (RTP). The 2015 RTP improved upon past efforts and includes updated language for the 2010 RTP California Transportation Commission Guidelines and the most recent Federal Highway Bill, Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century which was adopted since the last RTP update. This RTP also improved upon past performance measures. The 2010 RTP set some tangible baselines that worked in a rural context and this effort is measuring performance since 2010. To these ends, Green DOT evaluated the value of the performance measures and improved upon them. This included hybrid performance measures developed from the Caltrans Performance Measures for Rural Transportation Systems Guidebook (2006) and the SANDAG Statewide Performance Monitoring Indicators for Transportation Planning (2013) reports. The Alpine RTP was adopted in December 2015.

Alpine County Community Development

  • 50 Diamond Valley Rd, Markleeville, CA 96120, USA

Regional Transportation Plan Update

50 Diamond Valley Rd, Markleeville, CA 96120, USA