
Local Transportation Commission Transportation Manager Services

Alpine County

Green DOT Transportation Solutions serves as the Transportation Program Manager and staff to the Alpine County Local Transportation Commission. The Transportation Manager provides services to both the Community Development Department and the Alpine County Local Transportation Commission (ACLTC). Under this contract, Green DOT Transportation Solutions provides daily administrative tasks for the ACLTC and Community Development Department, as well as project development and project-specific services. Administrative duties include coordinating with Caltrans, the County, and the Commission; developing ACLTC meeting agendas and presenting at Commission meetings; development of the Overall Work Program (OWP); and program management. Project specific services include preparation of the 2020 Alpine County Regional Transportation Plan update and development and delivery of several major roadway and bridge projects in the region.

Alpine County Community Development

  • 99 Water St, Markleeville, CA, USA

Local Transportation Commission Transportation Manager Services

99 Water St, Markleeville, CA, USA